Each tourist who flew to the island of Bali feels a special attitude of the local population. Balinese are infinitely kind, smiling, sympathetic, but mostly poor people. The only earnings of the state is tourism.
In recent years, the flow of tourists has increased significantly, and prices have risen.
If you buy fruit / vegetables not in supermarkets, where fixed prices, but in local shops, you can save a lot. The price of bananas in the shop will depend on what language you are trying to buy them. Try using only Indonesian expressions, numbers and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Good morning - salamat pagi [selamat pagi]
Good day - salamat siam [selamat siang]
Good evening - salamat malam [selamat malam]
How are you? - apa kabar
How much is? - Brama [berapa]
Maybe a small discount? - anda dapat membruat discon [anda dapat membuat diskon]
Yes - ya [ya]
No - tidak [tidak]
1 - satu [satu]
2 - dua [dua]
3 - tiga [tiga]
4 - Empath [empat]
5 - lima [lima]
6 - enam [enam]
7 - tujuh [tujuh]
8 - Delapan [delapan]
9 - Sembilan [sembilan]
10 - sepuluh [sepuluh]
I'm white, but I'm not a fool - ak path, tapi ak tidak bodo [aku putih, tapi aku tidak bodoh]
I'm from Russia - Sayya dari Rusia]
I speak Indonesian - sai bisa bahasa indonesia [saya berbahasa Indonesia]
A little bit - sedikit-sedikit [sedikit]
Bye! - salamat tingal [selamat tinggal]
Thank you so much! - trima kasi banyak [terima kasih banyak]
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