The top attractions of New York. Urban season tickets

The top attractions of New York. Urban season tickets

The "Big Apple" (New York) is divided into five large areas called Boroughs: Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Manhattan. In Manhattan is located the world famous - Times Square.

Local people call Manhattan "The city" - "city". The rest of the metropolis is called "the outer boroughs", i.e. "External".
Of course, in every district of the city there is something to see. And here comes the question of the price of pleasure. New York has already prepared for your arrival and offers you at least 3 options for season tickets to explore the cult places of the multimillionaire: the most complete The New York Pass, the slightly less extensive New York City Pass and the most individual Explorer Pass.

The New York Pass with the opportunity to visit more than 80 sights without queues will cost you $ 60 for children and for 90 - for adults. The price is indicated for one day of excursions. A brochure with an extensive list of iconic places plus discounts for shopaholics and fans of gastronomic tourism is attached to the subscription.

New York City Pass (114 dollars - adults, 89 - children from 6 to 17 years) is valid 9 days from the date of use. With this subscription you can visit 6 sights of the city. The American Museum of Natural History, the Empire State Building and the Metropolitan Museum are included in the compulsory program of the city tour, and the remaining 3 places are given a choice from the proposed ones, including such symbols of the city as the Statue of Liberty, the Guggenheim Museums, 9/11, "Intrepid ", An observation deck Top-of-the-Rock and others.

Explorer Pass offers you to make a list of 57 tourist spots and choose a route from 3 (76 dollars), 5 (119 dollars), 7 (149 dollars) or 10 (179 dollars) of desired sights. The subscription is valid for 30 days.

Advice: paid for through the Internet subscriptions will be cheaper than buying on the spot. To do this, it is enough to go to the site of the presenters of the season tickets and save the check, after - exchange a check for a real subscription in the nearest representatives office.

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