Wedding is an important ritual in the life of both. This day everything should be perfect, and everything ideal, as you know, is pre-planned in advance. You can design a wedding yourself, but you can entrust this event to a wedding or event agency. In any case, you still have to control this process, so it will not be superfluous to consider the following.
Preliminary stage. 5-6 months before the wedding.
The sooner you start training, the better. As the plan is drawn up, new details will appear, unaccounted for earlier, and time will only decrease.
At this stage, approximately six months, you plan the front of the work: choose an approximate date of the celebration, take into account each other's wishes, calculate the budget, make an approximate list of guests and think about the wedding trip, study and prepare the necessary documents.
Preparatory stage. 3-2 months before the wedding.
This stage differs from the previous one in that you go into the active phase. The date of the celebration is established and coordinated with the registry office, the list of guests is corrected and approved, the necessary arrangements for organizing the banquet are carried out: the search for a suitable restaurant or cafe, wedding invitations are sent out. Buying wedding rings, attire of the bride and groom.
At the same stage, a photographer is selected (see the article "What is important to consider when choosing a photographer), videographer, presenter. The scenario of the event is being developed. Here you can contact the agency, following the principle of "trust, but check". Feel free to suggest your ideas, communicate directly with the photographer and presenter to explain what exactly you would like to receive from them.
The control phase.
A month before the wedding. We check that the invitations reach the addressees. We make calls to all persons in charge: a driver, a photographer, an operator, a stylist, a make-up artist, ordering a cake and a bouquet. We do a general run, where necessary, specify, supplement the claim. We compose a list of desired gifts and inform guests about them.
This time is also for the preparation of the bride for this special day. All organizational matters are over, it's time to think about yourself: sign up for a rehearsal of your hair and make-up, make the necessary personal purchases. And in the end, invite your friends to a hen / stag party.
A few days before the wedding.
Take care of the little things. Collect the purse of the bride, carry the shoes in which you have to walk all day, see the weather forecast, prepare a couple of extra bottles of champagne. You can make a plan for seating the guests, if necessary. Choose the trusted persons who will assist you on your wedding day. Explain their responsibilities. Prepare passports and rings. Relax.

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